Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology


Allergy treatment involves medical care of exaggerated or pathological reactions to substances, situations, or physical states. Allergists are experts in treating allergies with ongoing and seasonal treatments including medicine, shots, immunotherapy, and tablets. Allergy testing can help people learn what is making them sick, empowering them in avoidance techniques.

When Should I Visit An Allergy Specialist?

How Can allergy treatment help me?

You should visit a Tanner Clinic allergy specialist for allergy treatment if you find that you are always taking over-the-counter medications for allergy symptoms. You should also seek allergy treatment if your symptoms are not controlled with over-the-counter options. Many insurance providers require a referral to see a specialist. Be sure to check with your insurance to see if you need to see your primary care provider before you schedule an appointment to see an allergy specialist.

If you have recently experienced a life-threatening event such as anaphylaxis, our allergy, asthma, and immunology physicians can provide follow-up care and counseling.

With the help of an allergist, symptoms usually can be prevented or controlled with a major improvement in quality of life. One of the most common allergy treatments is allergy shots or immunotherapy. An allergy test determines the patient’s allergies, then an allergy shot will be tailored to those sensitivities. Over time these shots can help the patient build up a tolerance or immunity to the things they are allergic to.

Our board-certified allergy and asthma specialists incorporate a wide range of cutting-edge allergy testing including mostly needle-free allergy testing, skin tests, blood tests, and elimination diets that rule out allergies such as food, metals, latex, medication, and pollen.

You may have allergies if you are experiencing symptoms such as itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and chronic cough, wheezing, or swelling, and other skin conditions like hives, eczema, or contact dermatitis. Visit one of our allergy physicians in Layton or Murray to determine what you are allergic to so you can avoid it in the future.


Asthma is a chronic disease that causes your airways to become inflamed, making it hard to breathe. While there is no cure for asthma, it can be managed by avoiding triggers, taking medications to prevent symptoms, and treating asthma episodes if they occur.

Common symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. Asthma may lead to a medical emergency. It is important to know the signs of a severe asthma episode (or asthma attack). A trigger is something you are sensitive to that makes your airways become inflamed. Common asthma triggers are pollen, chemicals, extreme weather changes, smoke, dust mites, stress, and exercise.




A doctor may use a few different ways of testing for asthma. These include:

  • Taking a detailed medical history
  • A physical exam
  • Lung function tests
  • Chest or sinus X-ray

The doctor will look at the results from these tests. They will then decide what type of asthma you have. They will develop a treatment plan based on the type and severity of your symptoms.


Tanner Clinic is also home to Rocky Mountain Allergy. Our specialty clinic is one of the leading centers for the diagnosis and treatment of food allergies, asthma and immunology issues. We are now accepting new patients at our Layton and Murray locations.

At Rocky Mountain Allergy, we provide the latest allergy injection treatments to control allergy, asthma, and sinus problems and reduce or eliminate dependencies on pills, inhalers, and nasal sprays. We also provide pulmonary function tests that are used to evaluate asthma and other lung conditions. In addition, we provide oral immune therapy (OIT), supervised oral food challenge, aeroallergen immunotherapy, skin prick testing, patch testing, component-resolved diagnostics, endoscopies, and various breath tests.

Once we have taken a comprehensive oral medical history and evaluated your conditions, we provide a diagnosis and formulate a plan of treatment. Our allergy, asthma, and immunology doctors also provide care for patients with immunodeficiency diseases and problems with the immune systems, such as autoimmune disease, organ transplantation, or malignancies of the immune system.