Goals to Set During National Nutrition Month


Your health is important. To put a greater emphasis on your health, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is celebrating National Nutrition Month this March. To support this annual campaign hosted every year, Tanner Clinic is focusing our efforts on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.

woman leaning on bench looking outwards

If you haven’t taken the opportunity to celebrate National Nutrition Month, now is the perfect time to get with your family and talk about your goals.


Below is a list of attainable food goals your family can strive towards.


Promoting nutrition in your home will help your family live longer and have a collective goal that brings you together. One of the key tactics you can use is focusing on making food rather than eating out at restaurants. By making your own food, you can choose which ingredients to include while opting out of the less healthy options. It’s an easy trick that’ll make eating good feel like a breeze. Plus, you’ll get to spend quality time as a family more often.


Get rid of all that unhealthy junk food you keep stashed away. The more junk food you have in your pantry, the easier it is to eat when you are bored. Limit your junk food by picking a few favorites and dumping the rest. The fewer unhealthy options you have, the less tempted you will be when your stomach starts grumbling.


While you are throwing junk food in the trash, swap it out for healthy snacks instead. A healthy diet should never include starving your body of necessary nutrition. Instead, choose healthy foods over less nutritious options.


Promoting healthy goals starts in the home. If you make dinner a priority then you are saying that food can be a healthy motivator for bringing the family together. Family time centered around quality food will leave a lasting impact long after you finish eating.


Encourage positive language around physical and eating habits in your home by setting an example. Steer clear of negative language that puts yourself or others down—especially when it comes to the human body. Instead, talk about the wonderful things your body is capable of and how fueling it with nutritious and healthy food is the best way you can treat it.

The benefits of setting nutrition goals impact not only your health but increased productivity and well-being. Let’s look at the effects positive eating habits offer on your physical and mental health.

–    Healthy Heart: The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease, which can be a symptom of too much salt and saturated fats. Combat developing a heart-related illness with a diet of heart-healthy fats, whole-grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables.

–    Better Sleep: Everyone can benefit from better sleep. Filling your body full of necessary nutrients instead of fatty and sugary foods allows it to get the deep REM sleep it needs.

–    Increased Energy: Nutritious foods are full of vitamins and nutrients that are essential for creating and maintaining energy throughout the day.

–    Mental Health: Healthy and balanced diets can significantly increase your mental and emotional capacity. In fact, research shows that a nutritious diet can substantially lower the risk of developing depression.

–    Weight Management: Eating a healthy diet helps you moderate your weight. Couple that with a healthy routine of exercise and you lower your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

–    Increased Happiness: Foods like almonds, salmon, lentils, and fruits, contain mood-boosting nutrients.

By setting a goal to eat healthier as a family, you will provide your family with an opportunity to work as a unit. A healthy diet is an excellent tool for strengthening your family while improving individual health. Make your family’s health a priority and promote nutrition this March.

For additional help staying on top of your health, schedule an appointment with our food and dietary specialists.