Help For Severe Asthma

Woman appearing to be short of breath holding her chest and using a medical inhaler.

Are you or someone you know grappling with the challenges of severe asthma?

Dr. Rafael Firstz, an experienced allergist at Tanner Clinic in Murray, has delved into this topic and shed light on potential help for asthma.

Severe asthma presents a complex scenario for patients and healthcare providers alike. Many individuals find relief through high-dose inhaled corticosteroids combined with long-acting beta-agonists. However, there also exists a notable subset of patients for whom symptom control necessitates the use of oral corticosteroids.

So, what are the alternatives to continuous oral corticosteroid usage?

This question looms large in the minds of both patients and medical professionals. Presently, the landscape of effective alternative therapies is sparse. However, recent studies have explored various avenues to alleviate the reliance on oral corticosteroids in severe asthma management.

Among the emerging alternatives are macrolide antibiotics, omalizumab, tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors, cytokine receptor antagonists, and bronchial thermoplasty. These interventions offer promising possibilities but come with the challenge of pinpointing the specific phenotype of severe asthma where their efficacy is most pronounced. The heterogeneity of the disease adds complexity to this endeavor, underscoring the urgent need for a deeper understanding of severe asthma’s mechanisms and pathophysiology.

Dr. Firstz’s research emphasizes the importance of these complexities, developing effective immunomodulators and biological therapies to provide help for asthma.

For those seeking further insights into this study, additional information can be found here.

severe asthma

If you’re grappling with severe asthma and seeking expert guidance, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Firstz by visiting our clinic’s website or calling us at 801.773.4840. Don’t let severe asthma control your lifeā€”take proactive steps towards effective management today.