What a Podiatrist is and When to See One

Day after day, you put your feet to work. Whether you are a runner, a mom chasing after children, an office professional walking to and from meetings, or just a human needing to get from place to place, your feet see a lot of action. Unfortunately, all of those steps can take a significant toll on your feet. That’s where podiatrists step in.

Podiatrists are doctors in the medical field that handle all problems with your feet or lower legs. These health problems can include a variety of issues, including foot injuries and pain, toenail issues, complications from diabetes, and more.

Let’s look at the makings of podiatrists more in-depth, as well as discuss the reasons why you might need to visit a podiatrist.


As discussed earlier, podiatry is the field of medicine devoted to studying, diagnosing, and treating disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower legs. Podiatrists are doctors that specialize in podiatry. However, instead of using the MD (Medical Doctor) title, they typically use DPM (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine) because they don’t go to traditional medical school like other doctors. Instead, podiatrists go to podiatry school.

Currently, there are nine accredited podiatry schools in the United States, making acceptance into these schools highly competitive. Podiatry school includes four years of further education after students receive a bachelor’s degree. During podiatry school, students study bones, nerves, and muscles in the lower extremities and how they work together. Podiatry students also study illnesses and injuries related to the foot, including how to diagnose and treat these feet and lower leg problems.

After students graduate from podiatry school, they must go through residency, which includes working in a hospital for three years. During their residency, podiatry students also work under professionals from a variety of medical fields. Once they complete their residency, these students receive their advanced podiatry certifications.


Podiatrists treat a wide variety of foot, ankle, and lower leg health conditions. These include:

  • Foot and Ankle Fractures
  • Foot and Ankle Sprains
  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Nail Disorders
  • Foot Troubles Related to Diabetes
  • Arthritis in the Foot
  • Growing Pains in Feet
  • Heel Pain
  • Morton’s Neuroma


As you can see, podiatrists can help you address most of the problems that might occur in your feet. These doctors understand the complexities of the bones, nerves, tendons, and ligaments surrounding your lower legs and feet.

If you have any of the following symptoms, consider working with one of the Podiatrists at Tanner Clinic:

  • Foot or Ankle Pain
  • Cracks and Cuts in Your Skin
  • Warts and Other Skin Growths
  • Scaling and Peeling on the Soles of Your Feet
  • Thick or Discolored Toenails
  • Swelling or Inflammation
  • Loss of Motion
  • Bad Circulation
  • Other Foot Deformities

Schedule an appointment with our one of our Podiatrists today!